Category: Horse Riding
Maps of trails suitable for horse riding
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 7 Murphy’s Creek to Withcott
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 6 Ravensbourne to Murphy’s Creek
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 5 Emervale Station to Ravensbourne
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 4 Cressbrook Creek to Emervale Station
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 3 Maria Creek to Cressbrook Creek
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 2 Emu Creek to Maria Creek
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 1 Blackbutt to Emu Creek
Bicentennial National Trail Book 6 Map 12 Mt Sylvia to Thornton via Laidley Gap
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Guide
Not long ago a cafe proprietor on the BVRT mentioned to me that she had nothing informative to give or sell to BVRT users. I promised to try to come up with something, and when we had finished preparing the Fifth Edition of Where to Mountain Bike in SEQ I realised this was a golden opportunity to piggyback the print run. Gillian quickly packaged up the Somerset chapter into a 12 page Guide to the BVRT and it is now in stock with a remarkable 20+ retailers in the Brisbane Valley.